Ready, Willing and ABLE helps people with disabilities throughout Southern California find meaningful on-the-job training opportunities through apprenticeships in the healthcare industry. Developed by California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) partner The Institute for Workplace Skills and Innovation America (IWSI), this program offers eight career training programs to teach individuals with disabilities skills leading to fulfilling careers in secure and qualified positions — all as part of the Earn and Learn opportunities created by the Demand Side Employment Initiative.
“We are hopeful the Ready, Willing and ABLE program will provide a blueprint for California employers on how they can use the registered apprenticeship model to bridge the disability employment gap whilst also expanding the diversity and skills profile of their labor force.”
Nicholas Wyman, IWSI President
Ready, Willing and ABLE offers hands-on education in high demand fields of work, including dental assisting, home health care, medical billing, and massage therapy. By combining paid employment, formal classroom instruction, and on-the-job training with a full range of support services and benefits, this unique program is already improving disability employment outcomes for both participating individuals and employers.
Beyond engaging individuals in unique, immersive professional development, DOR also supports these professionals and businesses by funding the first weeks of the new employee’s wages.
For more details on apprenticeships through Ready, Willing and ABLE, and to apply, visit the website at