In our previous blog post, we offered tips to use when creating your Cost Narrative for the EmployABILITY Business Grant. If you haven’t yet, go read it now to learn more!
One of the areas of funding available through the EmployABILITY Business Grant is barrier removal, which is anything that makes a workplace accessible for an individual with disabilities. Removing an employment barrier is often thought of as a structural issue, such as installing accessible bathrooms or wheelchair ramps, and those are indeed important. However, removing an employment barrier doesn’t have to be something as large as a construction project.

Employment barriers can be less obvious things, like transportation issues, lack of personal funds to purchase needed equipment to do a job, communication barriers between coworkers, or a business culture that needs support in understanding how to be inclusive of individuals with disabilities.
The EmployABILITY Business Grant can be used to remove barriers that will help make long-term employment accessible for all. So, when thinking about barrier removal, companies can get creative! Consider using the funds for things that might help expand the business to hire individuals with disabilities or directly make it easier for individuals with disabilities to work for a company, such as:
Bus passes for interns’ transit to the worksite
Personal protective equipment (PPE) that individuals can keep after completing an internship
ASL classes for existing employees of the business
Certain sensory accommodations for individuals with sensory processing disorders
Job coaches who provide employment and support services to help interns get hired in the industry. Job coaches also help advocate for the employee and help to convey what accommodations they need.
A business coach who can support the evolution of a business’ culture
For more information, please visit the Job Accommodation Network website where you can find an extensive list of accommodations that apply to different disabilities.
Apply for the EmployABILITY Business Grant today to help grow your business and upgrade your hiring! If you have questions, please reach out to